MC07-Work Zone Safety Monitoring - North Las Vegas




This market package includes systems that improve work crew safety and reduce collisions between the motoring public and maintenance and construction vehicles. This market package detects vehicle intrusions in work zones and warns crew workers and drivers of imminent encroachment or other potential safety hazards. Crew movements are also monitored so that the crew can be warned of movement beyond the designated safe zone. The market package supports both stationary and mobile work zones. The intrusion detection and alarm systems may be collocated or distributed, allowing systems that detect safety issues far upstream from a work zone (e.g., detection of over dimension vehicles before they enter the work zone).


MC07-Work Zone Safety Monitoring - North Las Vegas

Includes Elements

North Las Vegas MCO Vehicles
North Las Vegas Field Equipment
Traveling Public – Mobile Device/Vehicles
North Las Vegas Public Works
North Las Vegas Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment